Ministry Opportunities

We offer ministry opportunities for all ages. Whether you want to help serve or attend we have would love to have you join us.

Teens and Pre-Teens Ministry

Teens Ministry

Each Sunday worship together in the main service.
Each Wednesday at 7 pm special teens service in the teen room.

Pre-Teen Ministry

First and Third Sunday’s attend Main Worship, then a small group class lead by Tim and Lily Baxter.
Each Wednesday at 7 pm.

Kids Ministry

Each Sunday in the children’s ministry room during the main service. Each Wednesday at 7 pm in the children’s ministry room above the gym.

Music Ministry

Praise and Worship team practices each Sunday prior to Sunday school at 9 am in the sanctuary. 

Refuge & Recovery Ministry

Each Monday evening starting at 5:30, our ministry meets to enjoy a free meal followed by large and small group sessions. Our sessions focus on learning how to let Jesus heal us from our struggles, hurts, and addictions.